Little part of my stories on research and development.

Tag: Docker

Connecting Different Container Network


Docker provides a bridge network on every service that defined in docker-compose file. On default, if we don’t specify the networks configuration, it will generate automatically based on project directory with _default suffix and each service will be in same network and can directly communicate. However, the problem comes when we have different container stack with new docker-compose file and we want to connect to existing services in the same network.


Somethings I do after install Ubuntu or Debian based Distro.

It’s been a while after my sound on Ubuntu 20.04 didn’t working. I’ve been tried many way to fix the sound but still buggy. So, I decided to reinstall a fresh Ubuntu 20.04.02 LTS. The reinstall process is exciting and also suck tho, seems like repeat events that have ever existed but sometimes forget what to do.

In this article, I give my work-flow in configure and customize an Ubuntu from fresh installation. It can also be applied to others Debian based Distro, like Mint, Kubuntu, Xubuntu with several changes but i just give the point. I don’t cover a whole detail process, I cite the reference for further step.

1. Change to Mirror Repository.

Sometimes, the built-in repository give an error if I do “apt-get update”, so I need to change the repository. Beside that It will help get the best server that can improve package downloading time.

Open “Software & Updates”, “On Ubuntu Software” tab choose drop-down menu beside “Downloaded from :”, then click “Select Best Server”, finally click “Choose Server”.

If I encounter an error, just choose the “Main Server”.


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